Pemulung ... mungkin banyak dari kita merendahkan pekerjaan mereka ini , bahkan sampai menghina mereka , bahkan yang lebih parahnya lagi kita sering menuduh mereka ketika kita kehilangan sesuatu barang saat berada diluar ,, taukah anda bahwa pemulung itu meruakan pahlawan tanpa tanda jasa ?? ga tw ya ?? masa sih pemulung itu pahlawan ?? yaa percaya ga percaya silahkan aja kita kaji kehidupan pemulung yang berada disekitar kita :D ok mari kita kaji ceita hidup mereka pada kutipan dibawah ini ,, :)
– Faktor penyebab timbulnya pemulung adalah minimnya lapangan kerja dan
dorongan kuat dalam hidup yang menyebabkan mereka tidak bias mencari pekerjaan
yang sesuai untuk menghidupkan kehidupan keluarga mereka dan sedikitnya
lapangan kerja yang membuka peluang perkerjaan untuk rakyat kecil tanpa ilm
pengetahuan yang luas.
pada hasil survai dan pengamatan langsung di lokasi penelitian, yaitu di
empat kota (Denpasar, Gianyar, Tabanan dan Singaraja), serta observasi di
lokasi daerah asal, yaitu Munti Gunung dan sekitarnya, diperoleh beberapa
faktor penyebab terjadinya Gelandangan dan Pengemis (Gepeng)Pemulung . Beberapa
faktor penyebab tersebut di antaranya ádalah faktor yang ada di internal
individu dan keluarga Pemulung, internal masyarakat, dan eksternal masyarakat,
yaitu di kota-kota tujuan aktivitas Pemulung. Faktor-faktor penyebab ini dapat
terjadi secara parsial dan juga secara bersama-sama atau saling mempengaruhi
antara satu faktor dengan faktor yang lainnya.
beberapa factor yang dapat mempengaruhi penyebab timbulnya pemulung ini yaitu :
a. Kemiskinan
Pendidikan Formal
Sikap Mental
Rendahnya Ketrampilan
g. Terbatasnya
Akses informasi dan modal usaha
beberapa factor yang memperngaruhi timbulnya para pemulung dikalangan
masyarakat ini.
adalah orang yang pekerjaannya mencari barang barang bekas yang sudah tidak
terpakai lagi. Dan paling banyak dari pemulung adalah mencari barang bekas
berbahan plastik seperti bekas botol atau gelas air mineral. Barang bekas
berbahan plastik paling banyak mereka cari karena mungkin lebih mudah untuk
menjualnya kembali. Jadi bisa dikatakan bahwa pemulung adalah pengumpul barang
bekas plastik. sampah –sampah seperti plastik yang terkubur ke dalam tanah baru
bisa terurai setelah 300 tahun. Jadi lamanya plastik bertahan dalam tanah lebih
dari tiga kali lipat umur manusia. Kalau dibakar maka akan menimbulkan polusi
udara dan kalau dibiarkan akan menimbulkan banjir. Buktinya di sepanjang kali
yang ada di daerah- daerah di indonesia banyak sekali terdapat sampah-sampah
plastik. Mendaur ulang plastik adalah
langkah yang sangat tepat untuk melestarikan tanah, udara dan air kita.
Pemulung adalah orang yang sangat berperan penting dalam mengurangi tercemarnya
tanah oleh plastik. Jadi pemulung yang kita pandang sebelah mata itu adalah
penyelamat lingkungan kita. Sebuah profesi yang perlu dihargai.
tiap hari kita melihat pemulung baik di depan rumah maupun dijalanan,mereka
dengan setia memungut sampah yang nantinya akan dijual, ada cup air,
botol-botol plastic, kardus bekas, dan sebagainya. Pekerjaaan pemulung tentunya
ikut membersihkan lingkungan dari sekitar tempat tinggal maupun tempat
beraktifitas kita. Pemulung turut memainkan peranan penting dalam pengelolaan
sampah di Indonesia. Mereka mencari barang yang bernilai ekonomis dari tumpukan
sampah, TPS, dan TPA maupun dari rumah kerumah. Dari jam kerja yang panjang dan
tak tentu (dari pagi hingga malam), gangunan kesehatan yang menghatui para
pemulung sampai masalah kondisi lingkungan TPA yang sewaktu-waktu dapat
mengancam nyawa mereka. Semua itu seakan tidak dapat menghalangi mereka untuk
mengais sampah demi kelangsungan kehidupan keluarganya ditengah desakan
kebutuhan ekonomi yang semakin tinggi.
setiap kota besar pasti banyak terdapat sampah-sampah serta para pemulung yang
setia setiap hari mengambil sampah. jumlah sampah di daerah perkotaan mulai
dari gedung pemerintah sampai pemukiman kumuh mencapai 25.600 m3 (setara dengan
6.000 ton) per hari. Bagi sebagian orang, seperti pemulung, perajin barang
bekas sampah tersebut memberikan keuntungan tersendiri. Hubungan Antara
keduanya sangat erat karena sampah dan pemulung sama-sama saling membutuhkan.
Sampah membutuhkan tangan-tangan para pemulung untuk mengambil sampah agar
tidak mengganggu kesehatan warga dan membantu mengurangi sampah-sampah supaya
tidak menumpuk di tempat pembuangan akhir. Sebaliknya pemulung membutuhkan
sampah demi memenuhi kebutuhan ekonomi agar mereka dapat mempertahankan hidup.
Cara pemulung mendapatkan uang adalah
dari hasil mereka menjual barang – barang hasil buangan orang lain seperti
botol plastic minuman , kaleng , mainan bekas , dll yang bakal di jual ke agen
Daur ulang barang – barang bekas ataupun Plastik Bekas yang sudah tak terpakai.
pemulung juga rela atas hidupnya di tempat sampah, hanya demi sesuap nasi.Karena hidupnya dekat dengan sampah sebagai sumber penyakit,
dampak yang ditimbulkan dari sampah bermacam-macam, seperti penyakit kulit,
gangguan pernapasan dan penyakit lainnya. sampah-sampah
di pilah-pilah untuk dijual kepada pelapak-pelapak. Pemulung juga sebagai ujung
tombak usaha daur ulang. Sampah itu ada dua macam,
yakni sampah organik dan anorganik. Sampah anorganik yang tidak bisa diuraikan
bakteri bias di manfaatkan oleh pemulung.. Pemulung itu bukan pekerjaan yang
hina, tapi pahlawan lingkungan, sebab mereka ikut menjaga lingkungan hidup. Banyak
hal yang bisa mereka lakukan untuk mendapat uang dengan pekerjaan mereka ini ,
ya walaupun dalam pandangan masyarakat pekerjaan mereka ini hina , tapi mereka
sangat berguna bagi masyarakat itu sendiri .
besar warga perumahan malah menolak kehadiran mereka. Mau bukti? Coba saja
keliling ke berbagai perumahan, tak sedikit yang memasang plang “Pemulung
Dilarang Masuk”. Padahal, mereka sesungguhnya adalah ‘pahlawan kebersihan’.
tak semua lapisan masyarakat punya sikap yang sama kepada para pemulung.
Setidaknya ada sekelompok orang yang bukan saja menaruh peduli pada nasib
mereka, lebih dari itu juga melakukan pemberdayaan.
Komunitas Kelingan yang mencoba ‘mengangkat’ para pemulung agar menjadi manusia
yang lebih berarti di tengah-tengah masyarakat. Selain itu, komunitas ini juga
ingin mengubah stigma yang telanjur melekat pada masyarakat perkotaan bahwa
pekerjaan pemulung tak lebih sebagai ‘pemungut’ sampah yang menjijikkan dan
mengganggu ketentraman masyarakat.
Pratomo, Ketua Komunitas Kelingan, mengatakan komunitas ini memakai kata
‘Kelingan’ berasal dari kata dasar eling yang secara filosofi (meminjam istilah
masyarakat Jawa) berarti ingat. Jadi Komunitas Kelingan merupakan kumpulan
orang-orang yang ingat dan mau peduli kepada hal-hal yang berhubungan nasib pemulung
dan anak-anak.
jika dijabarkan juga bisa berarti (Klinik Lingkungan dan Anak). Pada awalnya
komunitas ini muncul dari ide pribadi seorang mahasiswa Sastra Indonesia yang
mempunyai kepedulian terhadap lingkungan sekitar. Awalnya Bangun Pratomo ingin
menyediakan wadah bagi para anggotanya untuk menampung ide-ide kreatif yang
fokusnya pemberdayaan pemulung sekaligus pemanfaatan limbah untuk dikelola
menjadi barang ekonomis.
kita berpikir memulung itu suatu profesi yang sangat rendah nilainya,karna
memulung itu termasuk orang yang sangat peduli terhadap lingkungan.Coba
bayangkan,sampah plastik,bekas minuman kaleng, botol mineral itu merupakan
sampah yang tidak akan pernah busuk dan menjadi tanah walaupun sudah
dibakar,tetapi itu akan tetap menjadi sampah sampai kapanpun.sampah-sampah
tersebutlah yang di kumpulkan para pemulung untuk dijual dan didaur ulang lagi.
jika dunia ini tidak memiliki pemulung bisa saja dunia ini sudah dipenuhi
dengan banyak sampah sampah yang ga berguna ,, dan bisa membuat penyakit yang
sangta berbahaya timbul dimana mana . kalau kita melihat dari seberapa banyak
jasa para pemulung ini , mungkin kita sendiri tidak bisa menghitung sebarapa
banyak sudah jasa yang mereka sudah lakukan untuk kita dengan mengutip sampah –
sampah dan menjualnya ke pabrik daur ulang untuk di daur ulang lagi dan mereka
juga sudah menghilangkan banyak sampah di dunia ini serta membersihkan itu
semua , tapi banyak juga oran yang masih mengaggap remeh pekerjaan mereka itu
dan menganggap mereka Hina , padahal kita berhutang banyak jasa pada mereka
Pemerintah Terhadap Pemulung
Wakil Gubernur DKI Jakarta Basuki
Tjahaja Purnama sudah melemparkan wacana tentang rencana pemerintah DKI
menggaji para pemulung. Setelah muncul beberapa tanggapan, Basuki akhirnya
menyampaikan alasan menjadikan pemulung sebagai honorer Pemprov DKI.
Kalau tidak terukur ya kami
pekerjakan saja 2.000 orang pemulung. Paling kami bayar setahun Rp 48 miliar
-- Basuki T Purnama
"Sebagian (penganan sampah)
masih tetap di swasta, tapi untuk penjagaan kebersihan itu kami ingin swakelola
juga," kata Basuki di Kantor Kelurahan Tanah Sereal, Tambora, Jakarta
Barat, Sabtu (22/12/2012).
Dia menjelaskan, selama ini
pemerintah lebih mengandalkan pihak swasta dalam pengangkutan sampah. Sistemnya
diatur berdasarkan jatah volume sampah yang diangkut. Dengan ukuran tersebut,
pemerintah membayarkan anggaran sampah sesuai besarnya volume.
"Kalau volume sampahnya sudah
cukup, meskipun ini (sampah) berantakan di akhir tahun, mereka biarkan
saja," kata Ahok, sapaan Basuki.
Menurut Ahok, pemerintah dalam
posisi dilematis untuk menetapkan kebijakan anggaran sampah. Seharusnya,
pekerjaan tersebut beserta kontrak-kontraknya diatur berdasarkan kinerja.
Namun, masalah yang muncul adalah, tidak akan ada satu pun kontraktor swasta
yang akan terlibat jika hitungannya tidak didasarkan pada ukuran pasti, yakni
volume sampah.
"Kami (masyarakat) tahunya ya
sungai ini, ruas jalan ini harus bersih dari sampah. Kami tidak bicara berapa
volume sampah yang harus diangkut. Tapi, kalau seperti itu, tidak ada swasta
yang mau kerjakan volume tak terukur," ujar Basuki mengutarakan
Untuk membereskan sampah-sampah di
sungai dan permukiman yang tetap menumpuk setelah kontraktor hanya mengangkut
sesuai jatah volumenya, dibutuhkan kehadiran tenaga kerja tambahan. Pekerjaan
itulah yang akan memanfaatkan jasa pemulung.
"Kalau tidak terukur ya kami
pekerjakan saja 2.000 orang (pemulung). Paling kami bayar setahun Rp 48
miliar," kata Basuki.
Disebutkan Basuki, anggaran untuk
membayar pihak swasta untuk pembersihan sampah sebesar Rp 90 miliar.
Jumlah ini belum termasuk biaya sewa alat sebesar Rp 135 miliar. Jumlah
tersebut terhitung tidak efisien mengingat persoalan sampah tetap menjadi masalah
Ibu Kota.
"Kami taruh saja 2.000 orang,
kami bayar sebagai honor dan kami beli 20 alat (angkut sampah), jauh lebih
efisien," kata Basuki.
English Version
Scavengers ... perhaps many of us devalue their work, even to insult them, even worse still we often accuse them when we lose something when goods are outside,, DID YOU KNOW that the scavengers were meruakan unsung hero?? tw ga ya?? time anyway scavengers that hero?? yaa believe can not believe we just wrote that examine the lives of the scavengers are all around us: D ok let's examine their lives ceita quote below,, :)
Factors - Factors causing scavengers is the lack of job opportunities and strong encouragement in life that cause them unable to find a job suitable to turn their family life and little employment job opportunities for young people with no knowledge ilm.
Based on the results of surveys and direct observations at the study site, which is in four cities (Denpasar, Gianyar, Tabanan and Singaraja), and observations at the site of origin, namely Munti Mountains and beyond, acquired several factors contributing to the Homeless and Beggars (Gepeng) Scavengers . Some of the causes included the internal factors in the individual and the family scavenger, the internal and external communities, namely in cities scavenger activity goals. Causative factors may occur in a partial and also jointly or interplay between the factors with other factors.
There are several factors that can affect scavengers causes are:
a. Poverty
b. Age
c. Formal Education
d. Coercion
e. Stance
f. Lack of Skills
g. Limited access to information and capital
Those are some factors that affect the onset of the scavengers among these communities.
LIFE Scavengers
Scavengers are people whose job it is to find stuff that used items are not used anymore. And most of the scavengers are looking for used items such as used plastic bottles or glass of mineral water. Plastic junk most of them are looking for because it may be easier to sell it back. So to say that the scavengers are collecting scrap plastic. waste such as plastics are buried into the ground can only be unraveled after 300 years. So long plastic persist in the soil more than three times the life of man. When burned it will cause air pollution, and if left unchecked will cause flooding. The proof at all times that there are areas in Indonesia there is a lot of plastic garbage. Recycle plastic is a very appropriate step to preserve the soil, air and water. Scavengers are a very important role in reducing contamination of soil by plastic. So we scavenger eye view of our environment it is a lifesaver. A profession that needs to be appreciated.
Almost every day we see scavengers both in front of the house and on the streets, they faithfully picking up trash that will be sold, there is a cup of water, plastic bottles, cardboard, and so on. Scavenger occupation must come to clean the environment from around the residence or place of our activity. Scavengers may play an important role in waste management in Indonesia. They are looking for items of economic value from a pile of garbage, TPS, and TPA as well as from the home. From the long hours and do not necessarily (from morning to night), health gangunan menghatui scavengers until environmental conditions landfill problems which at times can threaten their lives. All that seemed to be blocking them to scavenge garbage for the survival of his family life amid the economic necessity of the higher.
In every city there are certainly a lot of garbage and scavengers who faithfully every day taking out the trash. the amount of waste in urban areas ranging from government buildings to reach 25,600 slum m3 (equivalent to 6,000 tonnes) per day. For some people, like scavengers, crafters junk junk gives a distinct advantage. Relationship Between both very closely with garbage and scavengers alike need each other. Trash takes the hands of the scavengers to pick up trash so as not to interfere with people's health and help reduce the waste that does not accumulate in landfills. Instead garbage pickers needed in order to meet the economic needs so that they can sustain life.
How scavengers earn money is to sell the results of their goods - items such as the results of waste plastic beverage bottles, cans, toys marks, etc. that will be sold to recycling agents goods - Plastics Used or second-hand goods that have been unused. The scavengers also willing for her life in the trash, just for a bite of her life nasi.Karena waste as a source close to the disease, the impact of garbage of all sorts, such as skin diseases, respiratory problems and other illnesses. garbage-sorting is broken up for sale to pelapak-pelapak. Scavengers also spearheading recycling efforts. Trash that there are two kinds, namely organic and inorganic waste. Inorganic waste that can not be described bacteria bias in use by scavengers .. Scavengers were not the work of a despicable, but the hero, because they care for the environment. A lot of things they can do to earn money with their work, yes even in view of these despicable people their jobs, but they are very useful for the community itself.
COMMUNITY VIEWS terhadapa Scavengers
most people actually reject the presence of their housing. Want proof? Try it around to a variety of housing, not a few who put up a signpost "Scavengers No entry '. In fact, they are the real heroes of cleanliness'.
Thankfully, not all people have the same attitude to the scavengers. At least there is a group of people who not only put the matter to their fate, more than it is also empowering.
Community Kelingan is trying to 'lift' the human scavengers in order to become meaningful in the midst of society. In addition, the community also wants to change the stigma already attached to urban scavengers that work no more than a 'collector' rubbish was disgusting and disturbing public tranquility.
Build Pratomo, Chairman of the Community Kelingan, said this community use the word 'Kelingan' comes from the word mindful that philosophy (a term borrowed Javanese) means remember. So Kelingan Community is a collection of people who would care to remember and the things related to the fate of scavengers and children.
Kelingan if translated could mean (Environment and Children Clinic). At first the idea of community comes from a private Indonesian Literature student who has a concern for the environment. Originally Build Pratomo wanted to provide a forum for its members to accommodate creative ideas focusing on the empowerment of scavengers as well as the utilization of waste to be managed into economic goods.
Scavengers SERVICES
Do we think it's a profession scavenged a very low value, because it includes people who scavenged very concerned about lingkungan.Coba imagine, plastic waste, used beverage cans, bottles of mineral it is junk that will never rot and become dust despite being burned, but it will remain until kapanpun.sampah garbage-collected garbage is exactly at the scavengers to be sold and recycled again.
Perhaps if the world had no scavengers could this world is already filled with garbage bins ga useful, and can create dangerous sangta diseases arise everywhere. if we look at how many services these scavengers, maybe we are not able to calculate sebarapa many services they've already done for us by quoting garbage - garbage and sell it to a recycling plant to be recycled again and they also got rid of a lot of junk in this world and cleanse it all, but many are still mengaggap paltry oran their work and consider their Hina, and we owe them a lot of merit in this.
Scavengers Of The Government Response
Vice Governor of Jakarta have thrown Basuki Purnama Tjahaja discourse about the government's plans to hire Jakarta scavengers. After appearing several responses, Basuki finally tell us why making scavengers as honorary city government.
If not measurable so we employ only 2,000 people scavengers. The most we paid Rp 48 billion a year
- T Basuki Purnama
"Some (confectionary waste) remained in private, but for sanitation that we want to self-management," said Basuki at the Land Village Office Cereals, Tambora, West Jakarta, Saturday (12/22/2012).
He explained, for the government to rely more on the private sector in waste transportation. The system is governed by the quota volume of waste transported. By that measure, the government pays according to the large volume waste budget.
"If the volume of waste is sufficient, although this (trash) mess at the end of the year, they let it go," said Ahok, greeting Basuki.
According Ahok government in a dilemma to set budget policies garbage. Supposedly, the job along with its contracts are governed by the performance. However, a problem arises, there will not be any private contractors that would be involved if the prediction is not based on the exact size, the volume of waste.
"We (the public) know this river, the road should be clear of trash. We were talking how the volume of waste that must be transported. But, if you like it, no one wants to do a private volume immeasurable," said Basuki express the problem.
To clear up the rubbish in the river and the settlement still accumulate after the contractor had only a corresponding quota volume, the presence of additional labor required. The work that will utilize the services of scavengers.
"If it is not measurable so we employ only 2,000 people (scavengers). Least we paid Rp 48 billion a year," said Basuki.
Mentioned Basuki, budget to pay privately for trash cleanup of Rp 90 billion. This amount does not include the cost of equipment rental amounting to Rp 135 billion. The amount is calculated inefficient considering the waste issue remains a matter of capital.
"We put just 2,000 people, we pay a fee and we buy 20 tools (take garbage), is much more efficient," said Basuki.
English Version
Scavengers ... perhaps many of us devalue their work, even to insult them, even worse still we often accuse them when we lose something when goods are outside,, DID YOU KNOW that the scavengers were meruakan unsung hero?? tw ga ya?? time anyway scavengers that hero?? yaa believe can not believe we just wrote that examine the lives of the scavengers are all around us: D ok let's examine their lives ceita quote below,, :)
Factors - Factors causing scavengers is the lack of job opportunities and strong encouragement in life that cause them unable to find a job suitable to turn their family life and little employment job opportunities for young people with no knowledge ilm.
Based on the results of surveys and direct observations at the study site, which is in four cities (Denpasar, Gianyar, Tabanan and Singaraja), and observations at the site of origin, namely Munti Mountains and beyond, acquired several factors contributing to the Homeless and Beggars (Gepeng) Scavengers . Some of the causes included the internal factors in the individual and the family scavenger, the internal and external communities, namely in cities scavenger activity goals. Causative factors may occur in a partial and also jointly or interplay between the factors with other factors.
There are several factors that can affect scavengers causes are:
a. Poverty
b. Age
c. Formal Education
d. Coercion
e. Stance
f. Lack of Skills
g. Limited access to information and capital
Those are some factors that affect the onset of the scavengers among these communities.
LIFE Scavengers
Scavengers are people whose job it is to find stuff that used items are not used anymore. And most of the scavengers are looking for used items such as used plastic bottles or glass of mineral water. Plastic junk most of them are looking for because it may be easier to sell it back. So to say that the scavengers are collecting scrap plastic. waste such as plastics are buried into the ground can only be unraveled after 300 years. So long plastic persist in the soil more than three times the life of man. When burned it will cause air pollution, and if left unchecked will cause flooding. The proof at all times that there are areas in Indonesia there is a lot of plastic garbage. Recycle plastic is a very appropriate step to preserve the soil, air and water. Scavengers are a very important role in reducing contamination of soil by plastic. So we scavenger eye view of our environment it is a lifesaver. A profession that needs to be appreciated.
Almost every day we see scavengers both in front of the house and on the streets, they faithfully picking up trash that will be sold, there is a cup of water, plastic bottles, cardboard, and so on. Scavenger occupation must come to clean the environment from around the residence or place of our activity. Scavengers may play an important role in waste management in Indonesia. They are looking for items of economic value from a pile of garbage, TPS, and TPA as well as from the home. From the long hours and do not necessarily (from morning to night), health gangunan menghatui scavengers until environmental conditions landfill problems which at times can threaten their lives. All that seemed to be blocking them to scavenge garbage for the survival of his family life amid the economic necessity of the higher.
In every city there are certainly a lot of garbage and scavengers who faithfully every day taking out the trash. the amount of waste in urban areas ranging from government buildings to reach 25,600 slum m3 (equivalent to 6,000 tonnes) per day. For some people, like scavengers, crafters junk junk gives a distinct advantage. Relationship Between both very closely with garbage and scavengers alike need each other. Trash takes the hands of the scavengers to pick up trash so as not to interfere with people's health and help reduce the waste that does not accumulate in landfills. Instead garbage pickers needed in order to meet the economic needs so that they can sustain life.
How scavengers earn money is to sell the results of their goods - items such as the results of waste plastic beverage bottles, cans, toys marks, etc. that will be sold to recycling agents goods - Plastics Used or second-hand goods that have been unused. The scavengers also willing for her life in the trash, just for a bite of her life nasi.Karena waste as a source close to the disease, the impact of garbage of all sorts, such as skin diseases, respiratory problems and other illnesses. garbage-sorting is broken up for sale to pelapak-pelapak. Scavengers also spearheading recycling efforts. Trash that there are two kinds, namely organic and inorganic waste. Inorganic waste that can not be described bacteria bias in use by scavengers .. Scavengers were not the work of a despicable, but the hero, because they care for the environment. A lot of things they can do to earn money with their work, yes even in view of these despicable people their jobs, but they are very useful for the community itself.
COMMUNITY VIEWS terhadapa Scavengers
most people actually reject the presence of their housing. Want proof? Try it around to a variety of housing, not a few who put up a signpost "Scavengers No entry '. In fact, they are the real heroes of cleanliness'.
Thankfully, not all people have the same attitude to the scavengers. At least there is a group of people who not only put the matter to their fate, more than it is also empowering.
Community Kelingan is trying to 'lift' the human scavengers in order to become meaningful in the midst of society. In addition, the community also wants to change the stigma already attached to urban scavengers that work no more than a 'collector' rubbish was disgusting and disturbing public tranquility.
Build Pratomo, Chairman of the Community Kelingan, said this community use the word 'Kelingan' comes from the word mindful that philosophy (a term borrowed Javanese) means remember. So Kelingan Community is a collection of people who would care to remember and the things related to the fate of scavengers and children.
Kelingan if translated could mean (Environment and Children Clinic). At first the idea of community comes from a private Indonesian Literature student who has a concern for the environment. Originally Build Pratomo wanted to provide a forum for its members to accommodate creative ideas focusing on the empowerment of scavengers as well as the utilization of waste to be managed into economic goods.
Scavengers SERVICES
Do we think it's a profession scavenged a very low value, because it includes people who scavenged very concerned about lingkungan.Coba imagine, plastic waste, used beverage cans, bottles of mineral it is junk that will never rot and become dust despite being burned, but it will remain until kapanpun.sampah garbage-collected garbage is exactly at the scavengers to be sold and recycled again.
Perhaps if the world had no scavengers could this world is already filled with garbage bins ga useful, and can create dangerous sangta diseases arise everywhere. if we look at how many services these scavengers, maybe we are not able to calculate sebarapa many services they've already done for us by quoting garbage - garbage and sell it to a recycling plant to be recycled again and they also got rid of a lot of junk in this world and cleanse it all, but many are still mengaggap paltry oran their work and consider their Hina, and we owe them a lot of merit in this.
Scavengers Of The Government Response
Vice Governor of Jakarta have thrown Basuki Purnama Tjahaja discourse about the government's plans to hire Jakarta scavengers. After appearing several responses, Basuki finally tell us why making scavengers as honorary city government.
If not measurable so we employ only 2,000 people scavengers. The most we paid Rp 48 billion a year
- T Basuki Purnama
"Some (confectionary waste) remained in private, but for sanitation that we want to self-management," said Basuki at the Land Village Office Cereals, Tambora, West Jakarta, Saturday (12/22/2012).
He explained, for the government to rely more on the private sector in waste transportation. The system is governed by the quota volume of waste transported. By that measure, the government pays according to the large volume waste budget.
"If the volume of waste is sufficient, although this (trash) mess at the end of the year, they let it go," said Ahok, greeting Basuki.
According Ahok government in a dilemma to set budget policies garbage. Supposedly, the job along with its contracts are governed by the performance. However, a problem arises, there will not be any private contractors that would be involved if the prediction is not based on the exact size, the volume of waste.
"We (the public) know this river, the road should be clear of trash. We were talking how the volume of waste that must be transported. But, if you like it, no one wants to do a private volume immeasurable," said Basuki express the problem.
To clear up the rubbish in the river and the settlement still accumulate after the contractor had only a corresponding quota volume, the presence of additional labor required. The work that will utilize the services of scavengers.
"If it is not measurable so we employ only 2,000 people (scavengers). Least we paid Rp 48 billion a year," said Basuki.
Mentioned Basuki, budget to pay privately for trash cleanup of Rp 90 billion. This amount does not include the cost of equipment rental amounting to Rp 135 billion. The amount is calculated inefficient considering the waste issue remains a matter of capital.
"We put just 2,000 people, we pay a fee and we buy 20 tools (take garbage), is much more efficient," said Basuki.
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